Why 5 hours is not 5 hours

why 5 hours is not 5 hours

For a limited time only we’re offering a special price package – 5 hours for $100.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’ve probably never worked with a VA before and you’re thinking two things:

  • What can you actually do in 5 hours?
  • $100 sounds like a lot

If you’ve never worked with a VA before, a Virtual Assistant creates free time and removes stress from your life.

It’s a simple equation.

Let me give an example.

Kitchens make me angry. I love eating food and washing the dishes is like meditation, but cooking?

I’m terrible at it, it stresses me out and I normally end up staring at the finished product feeling like a complete failure.

Cooking is not my jam.

I’ve tried following recipes and watching videos, but it’s just not a natural strength of mine. I dread the anticipation and it takes a while before my blood pressure returns to an acceptable level afterwards.

If I never had to cook ever again, never had to feel that stress, what would it be worth to me?

It takes me twice as long as it should to make even the simplest thing, so having someone create my meals would free up hours from my day. My mood would be sky high and I could write without distraction.

Those extra hours creating content would mean more traffic, more sales, more income and a much happier me.

Now transfer that to your life.

What part of your working life is dragging you and your business down?

  • Social media?
  • Researching content ideas?
  • Marketing?
  • Newsletters?
  • Low traffic numbers?

If you could put any of those on autopilot while simultaneous supercharging them, what would it mean to you?

They may not be your strength, but they’re definitely ours.

In 5 hours we could proofread and optimise your low performing website content. Higher rankings = more traffic = potentially more leads.

We could research a bucketful of content ideas with more keywords than you could shake a stick at, leaving you to focus on the creation… or we could handle that too.

We could set up and schedule a recurring newsletter – an engaged email list is worth its weight in gold.

They’re just a selection of the services we offer.

So if you’re still on the fence over whether or not to buy the 5 hours, you’re not just buying 5 hours. You’re removing something that’s dragging you down. You’re releasing something that sucks away your energy and allowing us to supercharge it.

Now… scale that up.

If we can do in 5 hours what would normally take you days, how much time could we save you in 10 hours? Or 40?

How much content could you create if you had zero distractions? How many courses could you take to level up your skills? What impact would it have on your business if all those distractions were just running smoothly in the background?

If you could buy more free hours in the day, would you?

Book a free 30-minute consultation call with us today and let’s see how we can work together to supercharge your business.