
About Us

Meet the team behind Nomadic VA

When you work with Nomadic VA, you get 2 for the price of 1.
Alone, we're awesome.
Together? Unstoppable!

As a British travelpreneur (sounds cooler than just a plain old Digital Nomad, right?) with over 40 countries under my belt, I’ve amassed a substantial toolkit over the years.

Writing is my absolute passion. From freelance travel writing (which led to my first Amazon #1 bestseller) to digital marketing, I love creating content.

I’m also a massive geek, so I get far too much joy from research, data analysis and exploring new systems, programs and tech.

I’m a Brazilian journalist with a postgraduate degree in Project Management. I’ve worked as a press agent, content creator and social media manager.

I combine all this experience with a passion for storytelling, through words, imagery, photography and design.

I love big picture thinking – visualising the end goal and creating a solid strategy from beginning to end. And lists! I love lists! 

Do you want to grow your business?

we can do it together